
7th B2B Softwaredays 2023

Participants will obtain an overview about the EU strategy on data sovereignty and the Gaia-X initiative, the status of development of Gaia-X services, and best practice project examples for future federated data economies.


  • Helmut Leopold, Chair of the Gaia-X Hub Austria Management Board


  • Christian Tauber, K-Businesscom AG, Head of Product Management / Gaia-X Hub Austria Management Board
  • Thomas Trautner, Research group leader for Control Technology and Integrated Systems at the Institute of Production Engineering and Photonic Technologies at TU Wien / Member of the Gaia-X lighthouse project EuProGigant and Member of the Gaia-X Hub Austria Advisory Board
  • Veronika Siska, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Center for Digital Safety & Security
  • Mario Drobics, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology / Gaia-X Hub Austria Management Board

With the ever-growing importance of digitalization and data in all areas of society, digital sovereignty becomes a necessity to ensure economic growth and social equity in Europe. To keep up with the dynamics of digitalization, data must be shared, but users, whether citizens or companies, often lose control of their data when they have it processed by another organization. The dominant providers come from the USA and China; European alternatives do not exist or are not sufficiently attractive. Current monopoly structures impair participation in new business models and hinder innovation.

Europe has a traditionally very cooperative industry, with many small and medium sized enterprises. Europe must develop its own strategies and capabilities based on European values and principles. By enabling open and fair data-ecosystems, the goal is to preventing vendor-lock-ins and support interoperability and flexibility to eventually enable a global competitive, secure and trustful data economy.

Gaia-X is a European initiative supporting this strategy to enable digital sovereignty of the end-users by decreasing dependency for business stakeholders and enabling new global competitive business models.

This session will outline the strategic dimension of the new evolving data-driven economy for Austria and the EU and present building blocks of the Gaia-X ecosystem, as well as best practise activities and projects.

In this session we will elaborate:

  • the strategic dimension and objectives of the Gaia-X initiative, addressing the development of competitive digital data spaces as enablers for a sound development of digital markets.
  • the current status of regulations and available standards, specifications and open-source software
  • the Gaia-X ecosystem and Data Space Support Centers (DSCS)
  • Gaia-X Digital Clearing Houses for establishing a trust framework for the users of digital markets
  • best practice examples of data driven business models
  • how SMEs should participate and position itself in the Gaia-X ecosystem (Initiatives, projects, funding programs)
  • the role and service of national Gaia-X Hubs

Panel Discussion:

  • Helmut Leopold (Moderator) will moderate the session and will provide an introduction to the panel discussion.
  • Mario Drobics will introduce the general concepts and technical elements of the Gaia-X framework. This will cover the general architecture, the underlying workflows and the compliance management, as well as an outlook to the development roadmap.
  • Veronika Siska provides an overview of the current dataspace landscape from a technical perspective, including initiatives, frameworks, standards and software tools; as well as their corresponding projects.
  • Christian Tauber presents an overview of the current status of the Gaia-X Clearing Houses.
  • Thomas Trautner provides an insight to the development of the Gaia-X light-house project


Dr. Helmut Leopold: Helmut Leopold has more than 30 years of experience in the IT and communication technology industry. Currently he is the Head of Center for Digital Safety & Security at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology and is chairman of the GAIA-X Hub Austria. He holds a masters’ degree in computer science from the Vienna University of Technology and made his PhD in computer science at the University of Lancaster, UK.

Christian Tauber is member of the Gaia-X Hub Austria Management Board and at K-Businesscom AG as Head of Product Management responsible for innovation and venture scaling in the area of digital platforms. He holds a master’s degree in electrical engineering from the Vienna University of Technology and an MBA from LIMAK Austrian Business School. In addition, he completed postgraduate trainings, for example at the Stanford Graduate School for Business.

Tauber started his professional career in the innovation department of Infineon Technologies Austria in the development of digital hardware and software. From 2017, he went through a management graduate program in various key positions at Kapsch Group in Austria and the USA. During his studies, he was also involved in the founding phase of a Prop-Tech to revolutionize real estate marketing.

Dr. Mario Drobics is Member of the Gaia-X Hub Austria Management Board and Head of Competence Unit at AIT. He has many years of experience in designing and implementing data-driven applications in various sectors, including manufacturing, healthcare, crisis management and energy.

Dr. Veronika Siska is scientist at the Competence Unit for Cooperative Digital Technologies at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. After receiving her PhD degree in Computational Biology from the University of Cambridge in 2018, spent 3 years working in the IT industry as a software engineer and manager of her company’s Hungarian branch. She joined AIT in 2022, where her research focuses on the technical aspects of sovereign data exchange and dataspaces, with particular attention to the Gaia-X initiative

Dr. Thomas Trautner is research group leader for Control Technology and Integrated Systems at the Institute of Production Engineering and Photonic Technologies at TU Wien. Currently, he holds a tenure-track position for modular production systems. His research focuses on the vertical and horizontal integration of production systems and sustainable production. Dr. Trautner is a member of the EuProGigant research project and the Gaia-X Hub Austria Advisory Board. He is also the current president of the Austrian Manufacturing Innovation Data Space association.


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