News, Internal, Report
|January 8, 2024

Gaia-X Hub Austria looks back on the achieved goals and sets new objectives for 2024

From October 14th to 15th, the management board of Gaia-X Hub Austria convened to collectively evaluate the set goals and strategy, as well as assess the developments at the European level to incorporate them into future activities and resolutions.

The retreat began with a discussion on the past development of Gaia-X, comparing it with the planned path for the success of the initiative. Various political and economic motivations that have contributed to the project’s success were examined, with a focus on the strategic importance of Gaia-X for businesses and the European economy as a whole.

Participants analyzed and discussed the impact on competitiveness, innovation, and data security. The role of companies in integrating into the Gaia-X ecosystem, along with potential opportunities and risks, was also explored.

Furthermore, a critical assessment of the feasibility and challenges in implementing Gaia-X was discussed. This included technological, legal, and organizational aspects that informed the strategic considerations.

Ultimately, the group agreed on four main tasks that the Hub should address in 2024 with sustainable content:

  1. Building, consolidating, and mediating expertise in the field of data economy.
  2. Supporting political decision-makers regarding frameworks, incentive systems, and public administration involvement.
  3. National and international networking of individuals and organizations.
  4. Implementation of reference projects with regional relevance and architectures with international acceptance.

These tasks aim to concretely fulfill the central mission of Gaia-X Hub Austria, making a sustainable contribution to Austria’s digitalization agenda.

Simultaneously, the LSZ CIO Congress took place in Loipersdorf, providing participants with the opportunity to network and engage in discussions with LSZ community experts in an “Expert Lounge.” Helmut Leopold, Chairman of Gaia-X Hub Austria, expressed appreciation for the participation of Roland Fadrany, COO of Gaia-X AISBL, stating that the shared exchange significantly contributed to clarity and a common commitment for the ongoing journey and upcoming challenges. He thanked the entire board for their dedication and engagement in 2023.

CIO Kongress_Expert Lounge